Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter fun

Easter is still one of my most favorite holidays. I love the meaning, I love the colors and I love spring weather. We have celebrated each and every Easter as a family in our own home too...bonus! It means absolutely no travel. And for that, we are all happy! 

The Easter Bunny did not disappoint, and showed up with treats and gifts for the kiddos. Sidney claimed she didn't sleep much overnight, as she was simply too excited! I don't believe the girl actually sleeps anymore. 
Regan is super excited to get her eyes on this book. She read a few pages, paused and said "wait!, this actually happened to real people!?", amazed that anyone could actually live through such disasters. Note: this book is in the elementary school age I'm hopeful it's not scary for her!

As is typical, he was more interested in his "treat" than any of the gifts. 

Both girls got one of these talking birds....and talk they will do! Honestly, the thing repeats what we say and then sings when you pet her back. Wonder how long it takes for the batteries to wear out :) 

After a disastrous attempt at church we had our private egg hunt! A little bit about church before I push it to the back of my mind and hope to forget the experience forever. Ryan said "Lincoln in church is like oil and water" and then we all later agreed that if you look up the definition of the 'devil' you will see a picture of Lincoln in church...yes, it was that bad. Just ask those people around us, but give them a day to get their hearing back after listening to his high pitched screaming when we wouldn't let him lick the floors, climb the nearby stairs only to fall off of them, and on and on. Move him to the lobby you say?, that wasn't any better, just more screaming and a lot of stair climbing/falling. How about move him downstairs?...well there he stood next to a lovely new mom and stood watch as she breastfed her newborn with Ryan providing his supervision, which just made it all awkward. As if we needed a reminder why we don't regularly attend church with a 1 year old! 
Ok, I'm going to forget about our morning now. 

Our egg hunt was gg--rrr--ee--aaa-ttt!! Again, it takes a village, and I'm so in love with our village. 
The kids all scurried through the back yard in search of plastic eggs filled with money and candy. 

That bunny was clever, hiding those eggs both high and low. The girls were sweet to let Lincoln take the low-lying obvious eggs and they searched for the hidden ones. 

It took him a long while to catch on, but eventually he joined in the fun and realized those plastic eggs did not belong in the bark of a tree, beside the rocks, or setting in the empty window basket. 

Happy Easter from our family to yours! 

...later dudes! 

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